Weight Loss

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Healthy eating is one of the best things you can do to realize weight loss/ management. Other benefits can be prevention and/ or control of health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes. ( Weight Watchers ) is a nationally recognized program with healthy eating options with tools to assist participants. 


The Basics

Water, water, water- Staying hydrated not only helps you stay physically active but may also help reduce your daily calorie intake. Keep water on hand and drink throughout the day. Nine to thirteen cups are recommended amount of beverage by Institute of Medicine. 

Healthy carbs.. yes carbs can be healthy fuel for the body. Whole grains, such as whole-wheat bread and brown rice, which provide healthy carbs as well as fiber and protein. (Hello Fresh) provides nutritious meal options.

Lean protein. Protein helps in repairing and building lean muscle tissue. Protein assists appetite control and gaining or maintaining lean tissue. A lean protein snack is a great way to combat the after lunch drop off and stay engaged.  Link (Vital Proteins)

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